Black Magick Vs. White Magick: The Definitive Director's Cut


One of the eternal questions that new students of magick (or just people curious about magick in general) have is...

Is there really such a thing as black magick and white magick?

Are there good and evil ways to do magick—and good and evil methods?

How do you know if you are on the right track, and doing the right thing?

How do you know what to stay away from in the world of the occult?

How do famous magicians measure up?

Well, it turns out... it's complicated. And really not so complicated, at the same time.

That's why I've recorded an entire podcast on the topic. I originally did this podcast way back in 2016, when I wasn't nearly as sophisticated with audio equipment.

But even though it was recorded the "lo-fi" way, it's still turned out to be my most popular podcast of all time.

That's why I decided to remaster and re-release it, so I can bring you the awesome-sounding "Director's Cut" version, all shined up and made brand new again for 2020. This really stands the time as a critical guide to the subject, and I want to make sure it's available for you, better than ever.

You can listen to it in the embedded player above!

To get it on Apple Music instead, you can go here, or to Google Play, Spotify or Stitcher to find it at those services.

You can also see the rest of the podcast episodes, immediately, at the official Ultraculture With Jason Louv podcast site. We release new shows weekly, constantly bringing you new episodes on upping your game and exploring the magical universe.

Wherever you like listening to podcasts, make sure to subscribe to the show! There's LOTS of new shows coming!

See you in class!

– Jason

At Magick.Me, you can learn magick and meditation—anywhere, on your own timeline. Supercharge your life with empowerment, clarity & purpose. Stream in HD to any device. Binge or take bite-sized units one by one. Build your skills. Become who you are.
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